We Believe There's A Better Way to Provide Health Care

We are passionate about creating results that match your goals.

While large, corporate clinics may have been efficient, we know that cookie-cutter efficiency really benefited the patients who always had to follow the same process.

As practitioners, we found this extremely frustrating since we were limited by certain corporate structures and had to follow certain procedures and time limits regardless of the patient’s unique needs.

We Started As An Individualized Foot Care Started in Burlington

As lifelong Burlington, Ontario residents it was a natural step for us to open our first clinic in Burlington and then expand into Milton.

Free from corporate restrictions, the treatment plans we design are customized for each patient and are free of any procedural red tape. There is no cookie-cutter approach in our clinics; we treat each case and injury as unique, providing individualized treatment.

Dr. Kaushal expanded OMNI into a Complete Wellness and Rehabilitation Centre. Amit, a chiropodist, started the OMNI Foot Clinic in 2008 and in 2010 was joined by Dr. Anil to expand and rename the practice OMNI Foot and Chiropractic Clinic.


Expanding To Serve Our Community

Expansion continued from there and what started as a small foot clinic has now grown to two locations with complete health and wellness services including chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy and acupuncture. By combining these various practitioners in one practice we know we are offering our patients the best care possible.

Our practitioners meet and discuss each case regularly to ensure cross-referrals are occurring when it is in the patient’s best interest. We strive to offer our patients the best care possible, and this set up allows us to do so.

We believe Omni Health and Rehab is a truly unique experience.

We look forward to having you join us on your path to better health.

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