Omni Health and Rehab is committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety at all times, but even more so during COVID-19. Below is an in depth list of the various levels of precautions we are taking at this time.
All patients, visitors and staff must answer NO to ALL the following questions to be allowed at any of the clinics:
- Do you have a fever, cough or any flu/cold-like symptoms or generally feeling unwell?
- Have you travelled outside of Ontario in the last 14 days?
- Have you had close contact with someone with COVID-19 or any flu/cold like symptoms?
- Has you or anyone in your household had close contact with anyone who travelled outside of Ontario in the last 14 days?
If YES is answered to any of the above questions, that individual cannot come to any of the clinics for a minimum of 14 days.
- NO walk-in patients are to be accepted at this time. Appointments only.
- All patients must complete COVID-19 ADMINISTRATIVE SCREENING QUESTIONS prior to each appointment.
- Patients will be directed to wait outside the main doors. Waiting rooms are NOT to be used.
- Patients have been instructed to come alone to appointments. If someone has accompanied them, that individual is NOT allowed in the clinic and must wait for them outside the clinic.
- Payment at the clinic is not to be accepted. This should have already been done remotely through administration.
- Practitioners will NOT shake hands with patients.
- Practitioners and patients should always direct their faces in opposite directions. Even during speaking.
- Practitioners will wear masks and when required face shields.
- Practitioner will wash their hands immediately for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap before directing the patient out of the clinic.
- Practitioner will immediately clean any area used with the patient with disinfected wipes or sprays. This includes any equipment, treatment tables, door handles and any other item used.
- Practitioners will thoroughly wash their hands AGAIN for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
- Hand sanitizer should then be applied.
- Practitioner schedules are limited and shorten and thus it is strongly advised that they DO NOT bring food to the clinic and that they eat before or after their shifts.
- Practitioners are required to wear a set of clean clothes during their shift. They must change out of those clothes at the end of the shift for commute home and clothing worn during their shift is to be washed and not reused.
- Practitioners should not go anywhere after their shift besides to their homes. They are strongly encouraged to shower immediately upon arrival at home.
- Deep clean all other areas of the clinic that are “traffic areas”. This includes reception desk, washrooms and other clinic areas.
- End of day deep clean over and above COVID-19 protocol of treatment area used throughout the shift.
- Cleaning is to be done with disinfectant wipes and/or sprays.
- Patients are to wait outside of the clinic and will be allowed access only during their scheduled appointment times.
- Patients only will be allowed access to the clinic. If someone has accompanied them they will need to wait outside of the clinic.
- Patients should limit the number of items brought into the clinic to bare minimums.
- Patients will be required to answer all COVID-19 screening questions.
- Patients will be required to use hand sanitiser on all areas of hands and wrist before being moved to treatment area.
- Patients should not touch their faces during their appointments.
- If patients need to cough or sneeze at any point, they are to advise the practitioner as soon as possible and direct it into a tissue or their sleeve at the elbow. They will then be required to sanitize again.
- Unless it is an absolute emergency we ask patients not to use our washroom facilities.